From the "How to tell professionals" department,
this is how an WPI employee comments at the ERV blog:
your a pig. go to school and learn to write you asshole. plus I believe this doctor judy mikovits has a higher education than you, UVA is a very difficult school and from they way you write I can't tell if you passed the middle school SOL bullshit. You can't even spell blog. fucking idiot. It's also funny that you want to fight a lady. You are a classless piece of shit, mine as well have pulled your scummy ass out of the horse shit piles at the rodeo. I'm generally angry at you, Mr. tough guy, hiding behind his computer writing blogs with cuss words. HAHA Grow up, grow a pair and do something better with your life then call people cunt's, and talk about beating women's asses. One last suggestion buddy, instead of sitting behind a computer talking shit, if your so correct than actually do something about it. Oh wait, you cannot, you didn't pass the middle school end of year instruction tests, your parents taught you the f word rather than teaching you anything important. HAHA your a joke I think it be best for your reputation to take this shit down. Plus I bet your a little pussy, I bet women beat your ass that's why you get on here and have to act big. HAHAHA Peace scum bag.
Your a pig, I have concluded that your not intelligent and have been taught worthless shit, such as cuss words. You think your a big tough guy because you use the words "fuck" and "cunt". Dr. Judy Mikovits is very intelligent and the only thing I can tell from this post is that you are not. You cannot spell blog (check the first line) and it seems as all you want to do is beat women's asses. I'm starting to think that your a bit of a pussy, I bet you get your ass beat by chicks. You are one of those people in the world that should probably find a new living as well as delete this piece of non sense you have up here called a science blog. Not really a science blog, it's a personal attack on someone you do not know, plus have mis represented, therefore how can you call her a cunt. Plus, cunt is a trashy word used by the lowliest of the low, good one buddy. If your so smart, get off your computer, quit hiding behind a screen and come face the real world, do something worthy in your life and get off of other people's backs. All and all, you are the scummiest writer I have ever come across. Grow a pair, and then strut your stuff, until then shut up.
WPI, the gift that keeps on giving.
I wonder who of the not so many people at Wittemore "Ron" is.
Posted by: Smurfette | June 22, 2011 8:25 PM
Hm. I'm a former Virginian. Nobody except a Virginia resident (of the past ~15 years) would know WTF is the SOL, never mind would think to use it in an insult. (okay, my cat could pass the SOL, and your pup could probably pass advanced.) That narrows things even further.
Ten bucks says Dr. Judy Mikovits was googling herself. lol. stay classy, 'ron'!
Posted by: HFM | June 23, 2011 1:29 AM
Interesting comment in this post from the "On working with Dr. Mikovits" department:
2) An Abbot Diagnostics sponsored development of a blood screening programme threw up some interesting findings (if XMRV is endemic, Abbot stand to make a lot of money from developing a high-throughput diagnostic for screening blood donations).
a) When they used samples from monkey models as controls, they found infected samples were +ve for all 3 proteins they were detecting.
b) They found a few positives in the 1000 US blood doners they tested - but in each and every case, only 1 of 3 proteins was positive.
c) They showed that there was high cross-reactivity between the antibodies they were using for XMRV and HTLV, suggesting these could be false positives due to antibody cross-reactivity.
d) During 'round table discussions' the next day, the PhD student discussing this Abbott work was verbally abused by Mikovits to the extent that the student was visibly upset and had to leave.
Posted by: Interested Virologist | June 27, 2011 7:44 AM
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